Monday, August 15, 2016

Dealing with discontentment

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There were two teardrops floating down the river of life.

One teardrop said to the other,

“Who are you?”

The teardrop answered. “I’m a teardrop from a girl who loved a man and lost him. And who are you?”

“I’m a teardrop from the girl who got him.”

 Like in this story, in life, we go after things thinking they will make us content only to find that after we got them we aren’t better off than we were when we didn’t have them.

If the girl who lost the guy met with the girl who got him maybe, she will realize she dodged a bullet. If the girl who got him would meet the girl who lost him maybe, she would realize she got a gem  (there is a joke in here somewhere).

What does it mean to be content?  Let us define it the way God’s word defines it:

Contentment is having a heart that is at rest from knowing that we are right with God and that…in all seasons…in all situations…. God is in control of everything that happens to us.

Like the psalmist says, “The righteous man shall not be moved; He shall not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is firmly fixed, trusting in the lord.”(Psalms 112:7)

This is contentment, when your heart is fixed on trusting God, it doesn’t matter what comes your way.

Sometimes, contentment can be an elusive chase. Because we might find that we are content, today then, something happens to us tomorrow and our contentment goes out the window.

Here are some few ways that I do to deal with discontentment;

Thanksgiving and praise

This was King David’s secret of being content.

I am in pain and in distress; may your salvation O God, protect me.

I will praise God’s name in a song and magnify Him with thanksgiving. (Psalms 69:29-30)

David had a revelation he could choose to either magnify his pain and distress or magnify God.  He chose the latter.

How did he magnify God?

He brought Him a song of praise and thanksgiving.

He is pain…. He is in distress…But instead of magnifying his pain and distress by focusing on it, he shifts his focus on the goodness of God.

He takes a different road and instead of looking at what he didn’t have, He thanked Him for what he did have.  

 Something changes whenever I do this. Suddenly I see things I didn’t see before. I see the little day-to-day miracles. All of a sudden all my blessings are brought to light… I see His joy… I see His provision for things I don’t even need yet I have them ….I see His unfailing love, sometimes, through other people; I see His goodness in the answered prayers.

Praise is a deliberate consideration of God’s attributes and choosing to dwell on them.

So go ahead consider His Amazing attributes and choose to dwell on them.

Learn to be content

Contentment is not a gift of the Holy Spirit that we can pray for and unexpectedly wake up one day contented.  It’ something we learn,  it’s more like a fruit, it has to be cultivated , it has to be watered ,it has to be grown(ouch!). Paul exemplifies this for us.

I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation.(Philippians 4:12)

It dint come naturally to him; He dint wake up one day and behold contentment had stole up on him. He had to learn day in day out, situation by situation. It was a process.

Maybe we need to make a choice and decide we will be content no matter where we find ourselves. If we are single, we will be content; if we get married, we will be content. If we have jobs we love, we will be content; if we don’t like our jobs we will be content anyway. If we get to live our dreams, we will be content; if we never get to live our dreams, we will still be content.

Let us learn how to be and grow in contentment. Subsequently, we will find ourselves enjoying God’s blessings more. We will no longer live in regret of the time we wasted because we were busy looking somewhere else.

Change of perspective

 Sometimes, we find ourselves discontented because we are looking at things from the wrong perspective. A change of perspective would probably make a huge difference.

Here is an example.

A woman who wakes up one day and thinks, “This house is a mess, I will never be able to rest today. My husband and kids are ungrateful and lazy.”

Same woman wakes up the next day and thinks, “I live in a nice house, and I can rest if I want to, my husband works hard to pay the bills, my kids are a gift from God and I am not alone.”

I bet you that her two days will be as different as day and night. Why? Because what she chooses to focus on sets the tone for her day.

Here is a fact; a discontented single will make a discontented spouse. A discontented employee will make a discontented boss. A discontented woman without a child will be a discontented mother.

Other times, we think that if things will change then we will be content and happy.

A man shared a room with nine other people.  Troubled, he goes to see his pastor for some advice

He says, “Life is unbearable; there are nine of us living in the same room. What can I do?”

His pastor tells him, “Take your goat into the room with you.”

He was a bit skeptical but his pastor insisted, “Do as I say and come back in a week.”

A week later, the man returned looking even more flustered than before.

“We can’t stand it. The goat is filthy.” He told his pastor.

His pastor said, “Go home and take the goat out, then come back in a week.”

A week later the man returned joyful and exclaimed, “Life is beautiful! We enjoy every minute now that there is no goat. It’s just the nine of us now.

Sometimes, all we need is a different outlook and our situation doesn’t seem so bad anymore.

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